Cryptic Puzzle 4
Anagrams, Inversions, Spoonerisms
Another puzzle of cryptic puns.  This time, the answers to the first 11 are anagrams of each other, the answers to the next six are inversions of each other, and the answers to the last three are Spoonerisms.

1. There it is!  A stringed instrument!
2. Irish poet's work becomes a leavening agent?
3. Prohibit a supporting garment?
4. A drug for Mormons?
5. Agreeable to changing after receiving a gripe?
6. The literal meaning of an explosion? 
7. A counting again of the money you received for your work?
8. An undeveloped ability?
9. A religious leader without flaw?
10. Afraid of what is holy?
11. Only just able to find a certain cereal grain used in making soup or beer?
12. Casting out devils while blaming physical activity?
13. Optimistic after being pummeled?
14. Missing details when reading something?
15. In a surprise attack, hit Dubya, our former president?
16. Pushing the ball full court to the basket before the defense gets back and before you have your morning meal?
17. The result of riddling someone with bullets?
18. Aloft and enjoying a tourist attraction on a Mexican beach with last year's GOP V-P candidate?
19. Buff up a portal for a '50s-'60s female pop singer?
20. One who is incontinent at night but who also intends to choose a more suitable partner for a second marriage?

Bonus question
: Pay close attention to the message you're writing to an old radio comedian whose first name is Jack?


1. voila/viola
2. Yeats/yeast
3. bar/bra
5. compliant/complaint
6. denotation/detonation
7. renumeration/remuneration
8. latent/talent
9. prefect/perfect
10. scared/sacred
11. barely/barley
12. exorcising demons/demonizing exercise
13. upbeat/beat-up
14. overlooking/looking over
15. bushwhack/whack Bush
16. fastbreak/breakfast
17. upshot/shot-up
18. parasailin'/Sarah Palin
19. shine a door/Dinah Shore
20. bed wetter/wed better

Bonus: nota bene/note t' Benny

Latest comments

29.03 | 17:31

Hi Bruce,
I smiled a lot as I looked! Sometimes I didn't quite understand, other times I did! Keep doing this! You are a fun thinker!

05.07 | 23:04

hi! your blog is really fantastic! you are really lucky to have it. I have one but i did not have a single like apart from me

11.10 | 23:42

No longer pray for an outcome. Just do the footwork, if I can see any. I just pray for the grace to willing accept what the outcome will be.

30.06 | 02:37

yo that is so cool