I confess to having a strong weakness for oxymorons. But surely you share with me a certain doubt about the veracity of the following?
1. birdie opportunity 2. easy par 3. disappointing par 4. makeable putt 5. smooth stroke 6. long drive 7. metal wood 8. complete concentration 9. slow twitch 10. prevent defense 11. covered bleachers 12. overwhelming underdog 13. sure bet 14. partial score 15. Mexican cuisine 16. instant coffee 17. icebox cookie 18. extra virgin 19. perfect storm 20. welcome rain 21. partly sunny 22. too hot 23. spending money 24. speed limit 25. rap music 26. easy-listening music 27. relaxed fit 28. permanent wave 29. false facts 30. virtual reality 31. incredibly believable 32. maddeningly sane 33. crazy good 34. exceptionally mediocre 35. clearly obfuscatory 36. knowingly ingenuous 37. consistently inconsistent 38. normal aberrations 39. innate learning 40. veritable myth 42. ridiculously intelligent 44. unerringly wrong 45. confirmed atheist 46. small giant 47. steel wool 48. electric fireplace 49. poor health 50. good death