My Memberships, Voluntary and (Mostly) Involuntary
We hear it all the time, this notion of "community": the international community, the banking community, the evangelical community, the black, the gay, the gated communities, the bald community, the mediocrity community, possibly even the nose-picking community.  Most are not exactly organized (maybe they're waiting for their Barack Obama to come along), many verge on the mythological, but revealing membership in them helps to identify one better than facial profiling does.  Here are 50 of the many communities to which I belong.

1. The receding hairline community
2. The periodontal deep pockets community
3. The gold foil/gold crown community
4. The love handles community
5. The astigmatic community
6. The herniated disc community
7. The a-fib community
8. The Coumadin-swallowing community
9. The difficulty in swallowing community
10. The triennial colonoscopy community
11. The loss of skin elasticity community
12. The loss of quick-twitch fiber community
13. The increasingly leery about backing up a vehicle because of decreased range of neck motion and increased area of ocular blind spot community
14. The Puget Sound ex-pat community
15. The mini van owning community
16. The untucked shirt community
17. The discount coupon clipping community
18. The lunch on Costco samples community
19. The multitasking community
20. The calorie counting community
21. The cryptic crossword loving community
22. The caffeine craving community
23. The Starbucks gold card community
24. The even at 80 mph I can spot every Starbucks located in a freeway-side strip mall community
25. The frozen yogurt eating community
26. The dipping bread in olive oil community
27. The brie-emmenthal-gorgonzola-Cougar Gold munching community
28. The smoothie making community
29. The order the most unusual thing on the menu community
30. The putting yips community
31. The jump-shooting community
32. The early riser community
33. The TiVo programming community
34. The Shakespeare-Joyce-Proust-Beckett-Nabokov readership community
35. The sun-loving community
36. The pragmatist community
37. The on the one hand this on the other hand that community
38. The shameless pun-making community
39. The curbed enthusiasm community
40. The indulgent grandfather community
41. The fear of flying community
42. The passive-aggressive community
43. The anal-retentive community
44. The you answer the phone community
45. The exercise-addicted community
46. The don't tell me more than I need to know about using my computer community
47. The forget your user-name, password, keys, wallet, water bottle, and how to retrieve your cell phone messages community
48. The remember the names of 80 percent of the kids in your grade school classes community
49. The I'll happily spend hours writing a piece for my website or making puzzles but resent spending even five minutes reading instruction manuals or financial contracts community
50. The I know I'm stuck in a rut but I like that rut and don't even try to get me out of it community 

Latest comments

29.03 | 17:31

Hi Bruce,
I smiled a lot as I looked! Sometimes I didn't quite understand, other times I did! Keep doing this! You are a fun thinker!

05.07 | 23:04

hi! your blog is really fantastic! you are really lucky to have it. I have one but i did not have a single like apart from me

11.10 | 23:42

No longer pray for an outcome. Just do the footwork, if I can see any. I just pray for the grace to willing accept what the outcome will be.

30.06 | 02:37

yo that is so cool